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Purpose and significance of early meeting of stamping die factory

Edit:   Browse:276  Date:2019/11/12
Purpose and significance of the morning meeting:
The season of a year is spring, and the season of a day is morning. The morning meeting will gather the whole day's management within 10 minutes to clean up and control everyone and specific events in an all-round way, so as to improve the employees' mental outlook and work efficiency. At the same time, it is also to set a direction and goal for the work of the following employees in a day, rather than to say what is achieved. There is no plan and goal to say, and people will be lazy after a long time.
1. The morning meeting can provide a place for communication and team interaction. By using the morning meeting, we can share and explain the new methods and processes of hardware mold design and manufacturing, improve the technical level of employees, and at the same time, we can carry out safe production, safe operation, quality concept irrigation and propaganda of various policies of the company. We should always educate and finally educate.
2. The morning meeting can promote sales and reach a consensus. The morning meeting is a medium to spread corporate culture, which can cultivate good habits and behavior concepts. Through the morning meeting, we can publicize the work education, work ethics and work habits, constantly promote them, and constantly improve them, which is bound to be fruitful, so as to improve the quality of the whole company's employees.
3. Through the morning meeting, we can track and manage, review, analyze and correct the quality abnormalities, review the work of the previous day (week), summarize experience and correct the deficiencies. At the same time, through the morning meeting, we can arrange the production and convey the superior's instructions, so that the employees can understand the company's policies, market operation and their own work direction more clearly, and improve the work efficiency.
4. The morning meeting can cultivate the authority and image, style and temperament of the supervisor (team leader), provide a good exercise environment for the supervisor, drive the Department atmosphere and provide a good communication site.
5. The morning meeting can also enable employees to enter the working state more quickly, and at the same time, it can cultivate employees' sense of obedience and listening ability, and then guide and cultivate individuals' focus on work, gradually reduce distraction and slackness, so as to improve personal work attitude and work efficiency.
Previous:Summary of common problems of hardware mould and analysis of Solutions
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